Publication date 17/11/21 Comic 128 Pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this comic to read and review.

Two journalists travel to an island in the Arctic Circle where scientists are searching for fossils of extinct animals. Like all journalists, they have a lot of questions: how is it possible for an entire species to completely disappear? Word has it that we're in the midst of a sixth mass extinction, but what exactly does that mean? How did the first five happen? What is the scientific definition of an extinction? Alexandre Franc adeptly illustrates the narrative by Jean-Baptiste de Panafieu, a specialist in natural sciences and doctor of biological oceanology. Panafieu, who has already authored a number of popular science books, gives a clear explanation of what mass extinctions are, cleverly comparing past extinctions with the one we are witnessing now. The two authors present us with a clear, intelligent, and lighthearted perspective on a fascinating phenomenon.
My Review
This is a brilliant young adult comic. I loved it so much. Its main focus is looking at all the Extinction events that has happened and the affects of climate change. Looking at what plants and animals we have lost explaining the evidence for this. It was a fascinating read and even as an adult I still learnt alot from it. I loved the pictures and the images of animals lost during these Extinction events. And it was unbelievable just how big these creatures were. I really enjoyed the humour aswell. It says its suitable for ages 15+ but I would of thought 12+ as the kissing section was rather mild. Yes there is a strange love story in there too. I thought the colours in the pictures were great and loved how when they were talking about animals it went into a little humorous sketches. It had that air of the horrible geography type books but in colour. It held lots of very interesting facts but as they were delivered with humour you don't feel like your learning so its brilliant for any reluctant readers to get that amazing bit of knowledge into there heads. I would say this is brilliant for schools and libraries and great for home learning too. Nearer the end of the comic it moves on to looking at the affects caused by global warming trying to encourage the next generation to help slow this down to protect our planet. Using brilliant graphics with very interesting facts. I especially loved the image of all the names of the species that are now Extinction in the most recent era. Its truly brilliant and I really can't recommend this book enough. I even feel adults would enjoy reading and learning from it like me. I give this book the highest praise to the author and publishers for bringing this very interesting and important comic to help our future generations to help them understand the impacts we have on our natural surroundings.
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