Publication date UK format 1/9/21 book 380 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

Former journalist Jake Scott relies on his weekly breakfast gatherings with friends and a temperamental tabby cat named Oliver to keep his spirits up. He has lost his wife, retired from his job and watched his daughter move to Toronto with her boyfriend. Things change when one of the breakfast attendees, a beautiful and tenacious police detective with a troubled teenage daughter, suggests Jake should write a book. When he takes her advice and researches a convicted murderer’s case, he finds out something is terribly wrong. Could a member of the breakfast group be hiding a secret deadly enough to commit murder? Jake follows leads that uncover a mysterious and disturbing rollercoaster ride of clues, all while his attraction for the detective grows. An attempt to force the true murderer out of hiding results in a terrifying ordeal on the coldest night of the year.
My Review
This was a good introduction to a new mystery series. It was definitely a great slow building start allowing you to get to know the characters and then became a medium pace book. I definitely enjoyed reading this story as I gave it a 3.5 story. What I loved the most was that it was set in Canada. Which can tick of another country in my world map of reading. I love reading books from all love the world like this one as it offers great culture. I did like the story although there were lots of names in the dialogue because 2 people were already talking so didn't need to be there.
There was a great range of different characters that really developed well throughout the story. I really likedhow the book reminded me of a true crime type format. Where one particular crime was looked into to form the bases of a book and then inconsistencies are found in the case and the main character then becomes intrigued into solving the case. This added another layer to the book.
Many thanks to the author and publishers for creating this very interesting story.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K UNLIMITED OR $4.99, PB $15.95
Waterstones PB £13.00
B&N PB $16.95
Amazon UK K UNLIMITED OR £3.63, PB £11.60
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