Publication date UK format 11/1/22 book 200 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

Everything you think you know about Nikola Tesla is wrong. Nikola Tesla was one of the greatest electrical inventors who ever lived. For years, the engineering genius was relegated to relative obscurity, his contributions to humanity (we are told) obscured by a number of nineteenth-century inventors and industrialists who took credit for his work or stole his patents outright. In recent years, the historical record has been "corrected" and Tesla has been restored to his rightful place among historical luminaries like Thomas Edison, George Westinghouse, and Gugliemo Marconi. Most biographies repeat the familiar account of Tesla's life, including his invention of alternating current, his falling out with Edison, how he lost billions in patent royalties to Westinghouse, and his fight to prove that Marconi stole 13 of his patents to "invent" radio. But, what really happened? Consider this: Everything you think you know about Nikola Tesla is wrong. Newly uncovered information proves that the popular account of Tesla's life is itself very flawed. In The Truth About Tesla, Christopher Cooper sets out to prove that the conventional story not only oversimplifies history, it denies credit to some of the true inventors behind many of the groundbreaking technologies now attributed to Tesla and perpetuates a misunderstanding about the process of innovation itself. Are you positive that Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone? Are you sure the Wright Brothers were the first in flight? Think again! With a provocative foreward by Tesla biographer Marc. J. Seifer, The Truth About Tesla is one of the first books to set the record straight, tracing the origin of some of the greatest electrical inventions to a coterie of colorful characters that conventional history has all but forgotten.
My Review
This was a great read. I didn't know that much about tesla before reading this book. I found this book so interesting and I learnt so much from reading it. I certainly needed to remember my physics from school but I understood it easily enough as it was well explained. I found it fascinating to learn alot of people often get confused about tesla's inventions. Even those who think they know him get some important facts wrong. I couldn't believe how many things that Tesla wanted to work on but because he was such a perfectionist others beat him to it. There was also plenty of controversy around tesla which made this book all the more interesting. I was shocked when I read about his death at the end of chapter 2. I think I might of liked that at the end of the book as I was thrown lol. I loved all the great pictures and it added an extra dimension and broke up the text wonderfully. I think to read this book you would need to understand physics at least high school level as the author does well to explain but it did take lots of concentration. I especially loved how the author included lots of personal points about Tesla's lifestyle, where and how he lived and most importantly his finances which where very interesting. Quite alot of these facts shocked me. If you are a science fan then I really do recommend reading this book.
Many thanks to the author and publishers for creating this very fascinating read of such an interesting scientist.
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