Publication date uk format 6/7/21 Audio time 4 hrs 17m Book 168 Pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to read this book for review. I always give honest reviews.

Born a runt, Rascal is destined to be an underdog. Despite what looked like an unbreakable bond with the daughter of the family who bred her, Rascal’s devotion is discarded when the mother loses her job, forcing the family into a financial crisis. Bitter and resentful toward a dog they can no longer afford to keep and who was never really wanted, the family throws out the young dog like garbage. Driven out to the country and left roadside, Rascal has nothing but a few pieces of kibble to help her survive the night. Abandoned and alone, Rascal must learn to fend for herself and embark on a harsh and dangerous journey through wolf terrain in the mountain wilderness of Northern California. Along the way, she meets new families and strangers and is given many names. But will she ever settle with one family and one name? A Dog of Many Names is a courageous story of survival, seen through the eyes of a scared and desperate dog who just wants to love, be loved, and be given one last name.
My Review
What an amazing book. It was brilliant to read a book from a dogs point of view and was a real roller coaster of a book. I just couldn't put this book down. I listened to the audiobook. I thought the narrator did an excellent job at bringing the story to life and brought through such an amazing sense of atmosphere and tension. You will definitely got through a wide range of emotions while reading this book. Trigger warning there are some very sad times in this book so have the tissues at the ready. I loved the ending of this book it made the story feel so complete and was a really nice way to end such a roller coaster ride. I felt very satisfied reading this book it truly I'd an amazing piece of writing. This fantastic story that is aimed at a young adult audience will be perfect for reader aged 14 to adult. The atmosphere and tension in this book just swept me away and I became very quickly engrossed in the story.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishing team for creating such an amazing book from a very unique angle. I will definitely be looking out for more books by this amazing author.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US Kindle $6.62 Available on Audible Paperback $8.50
Waterstones Paperback £10.99
B&N Paperback $13.95 Nook $6.49 Available on audiobook
Kobo ebook £5.09 Audiobook £14.38
Amazon UK Kindle £5.02 Available on Audible Paperback £10.99
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