Publication date UK format 21/8/21 book 211 pages
Thanks to the author for the copy of this book to read and review

A girl with ambition. A clever ruse gone awry. A fatal encounter… Eleven-year-old Ruthless will do whatever it takes to live up to her name. Slaughtering pirates, running an underground gambling operation, and intercepting Russian spies are just a few examples. In true Ruthless fashion, she claims the title of student body president, but her aspirations are cut short after getting in trouble. Not letting that stand in her way, she runs for Mayor with the help of her incredibly strong best friend, Owen. Her town of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, has no age requirement to run for the post. The chances of a child winning are slim, to say the least, so Ruthless and Owen disguise themselves as an adult with the good old ‘two kids in a trench coat’ ruse. This seemingly harmless scheme has grave consequences that invite the turmoil of her mother’s past back to haunt her. When the dangers of the adult world come crashing down on Ruthless, she must learn how to live with her new reality, and ultimately use it to turn her life into a success story – and live up to her name. But will she be able to leave the past behind?
My Review
This was a great story. I loved it as an adult, although I'm not sure my 10-year-old will get it. I loved the message that this book carries. That everyone can do their bit for the greater good. Also working hard you can achieve what you want. I actually wished she had achieved everything she wanted. Although for an 11-year-old, the author definitely used her imagination to stretch what an 11-year-old is capable of. That aside, it was lots of fun, and I really did love it. It is certainly a story that will stay with me for some time. Seen as though I don't read a book more than once I would actually pick this one up to read again. There are some shocking events one of which I did not see coming. The ending definitely surprised me, but I won't give anything away there. I did like the characters and the way they developed and changed.
I definitely recommend this book to all adults who like reading young adult books.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishing team for creating this interesting and very unique story.