Publication date UK 28/11/22 BOOK 200 PAGES
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

He is approaching forty but sometimes Andy feels closer to fifty. His career, home and family life are rapidly going downhill and he is approaching a self-induced crisis. A tipping point. When a nurturing and championing boss leaves the biotech company Andy works for, he is left struggling with his jealous peers and the fear of onrushing redundancy. With finances stretched and a growing family to support, Andy is pushed to breaking point. Sneaking some samples of an untested depression medication into his bag one evening after work, Andy hopes the drug will help him to turn his life around - but instead, Andy finds himself spiralling into a pit of selfishness leading to an abusive, life-changing affair. Will he be able to turn things around, or has the drug and the choices he has made ruin his family life and career beyond redemption?
My Review
This was a good book. I liked how unique the story was. I certainly haven't read many books like this one. It was really interesting in places. I enjoyed the majority of the book it just needed tightening in places. I also would have liked to experience more emotions from reading it or a change in the atmosphere created. These issues are mine. They are likely down to my tastes. If you love medical drama around drug development, then you should give this book a go or at least try a sample to see if this book is your next 5 star read.
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