Publication date 24/3/22 audio time 14h 20 mins
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

If you are at all interested in life on our planet, then you need to know about insects. They are the most successful group of animals ever to have lived on Earth. Making up three quarters of all animal species, insects conquered the planet long ago. They were among the very first animals to appear on land and were the first to take to the air. Their total biomass is at least 10 times that of all humans and our livestock combined. This world is not ours alone. We are newcomers on a planet made and maintained by insects. If we are going to appreciate the massive part that insects play in the ecology of our planet we need to understand where they came from and how they became so successful. The survival of insects is key to our own survival. All Creatures Small and Great is an important and timely work to engage people with wildlife, when the world is rapidly losing its biodiversity. Featuring bonus audio content including full-length interviews and immersive binaural nature sounds for focus and relaxation. Join Dr George McGavin on an exciting audio journey to help us understand the fascinating world of insects. Along the way we are transported from bee-filled meadows to the forest floor, following Dr McGavin as he meets national treasures Sir David Attenborough, Alison Steadman and Jane Horrocks and a range of experts such as Professors Stephen Simpson, Helen Roy, Phil Stevenson, Karim Vahed and Erica McAlister to understand more about their passion for these incredible creatures. Dr George McGavin is a regular TV and radio presenter for the BBC and others. He is an Honorary Research Associate at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History and a Research Associate of The Department of Zoology of Oxford University as well as a Senior Principal Research Fellow of Imperial College. George’s work has taken him from the tropical forests of Papua New Guinea to the caves of Thailand and from the jungles of Belize to the savannas of Tanzania. Dr George McGavin has several insect species named in his honour and hopes they survive him.
My Review
This was a very good book. I enjoyed reading this so much the author has such great passion and knowledge on insects. He also interviews other insect experts who tell very interesting stories. My favourite by far was the interview with sir David Attenborough. I listened to the audiobook and loved that it was read by the author. He has a great voice and pitch. I learnt alot from reading this book. So facts were rather shocking especially when he looks at the question which animals need more protection. I have always wondered what would happen if you removed one whole species of insects away like mosquitoes as the transfer so many blood disorders. The author touched on the subject on the reduction of certain species and the impact this has on the food chain which I really found fascinating. I wished there was more. I bet you could write a whole book on this subject. I loved how the last 3 hours of this book contains the full interviews. I really enjoyed these and found myself chuckling at the humour. The last hour is insects audio in their natural habits recorded by the author this was very relaxing. I loved the shoreline one the most. I really recommend reading this book or better still listening to the audiobook as it has so many benefits. This book is a great fit for nature lovers or those that want to learn more and see how they can help insects more in their gardens. It was so obvious from this book that the author is living such an amazing and very interesting life. I commend him for all his work and passion for saving this little creatures.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for bringing us such a wonderful audiobook packed to the brim with amazing stories, facts and advice on these tiny but fascinating little creatures. I will definitely be looking out for more books by this very dedicated author.
Where you can buy this audiobook
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Amazon UK A £14.87
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