Publication date UK format 24/11/22 book 353 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

True love wasn't on their holiday wish list. When Sadie and Max are selected as contestants on the famed reality singing show Starmaker, each thinks they've finally gotten their big Nashville break. But then they're paired up for duet week and stun the world with their romantic onstage chemistry. With fans going wild for #Saxie the network demands that they remain a duo on and offstage, or exit the competition. Faking a relationship until their final performance in the Starmaker holiday special shouldn't be too hard, except for one small problem--Sadie and Max can't stand each other. But with their dreams just within reach, they agree to the ruse. Will their fake relationship be exposed before they can win? Or will an unexpected trip to Banff spark real feelings by the Christmas finale?
My Review
This was a brilliant story that was close to getting full marks. I certainly became invested in this storyline. I even found myself telling the characters what to do out loud, lol. You might feel like this book will be predictable, but I certainly couldn't guess what would happen next. It's asked full of unexpected twists and turns. That are likely to thrill you or at least provoke emotions. I like all the characters, especially those you love to hate. There was never a dull moment in this story. I definitely enjoyed every minute of this page turning novel. I certainly recommend reading it, especially if you love talent shows like x factor, etc. I loved the pace of thos novel as there were always things happening. I found this book extremely difficult to put down and read it all in one morning.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for creating this interesting and unique story that definitely kept me entertained. I will definitely be looking out for more books by this brilliant author.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $11.99, AUDIBLE, PB $13.49
Waterstones PB £8.99
B&N PB $14.99, EB $11.99
Kobo EB £4.99, AUDIO £21.99
Amazon UK K £4.99, AUDIBLE, PB£8.27
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