Publication date UK format 5/4/22 book 271 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

A Celtic warrior defending her people from Viking raiders infiltrates an ancient sect to save her homeland, in this gripping original saga set in the world of Assassin's Creed Valhalla Mercia, 878. Witch-warrior Niamh discovers a new order called the Hidden Ones is seeking to establish a foothold in Lunden. Her land is already scarred by Viking raiders, bloody wars, and clashing cultures. Determined to protect what remains of her homeland, she infiltrates this new group to discover whether they stand with her… or against her. Yet when Niamh learns the Hidden Ones have stolen an artifact sacred to her people, her own loyalties are challenged. Casting aside newfound alliances and friendships, Niamh soon discovers that betrayal comes with a heavy price and it will take everything in her power – her gods willing – to survive.
My Review
This was a really good read. I couldn't believe how fast the action started. I just loved the pace of this book. It definitely made for one exciting and thrilling story. The book continues with its wonderful fast pace unil the end. This book was a fantastic page turning novel that had me engrossed from the very start. I tried so hard to read it in one sitting but I couldn't stay awake so I just woke up early to finish it. This book was extremely well wrote and the author created such a wonderful sense of atmosphere and tension. The characters were easy to love and developed well throughout the story. This book was so close to 5 stars that I actually awarded it 4.5 stars 🌟 this book took me on a brilliant roller coaster ride that was packed full of action and was so interesting. I really recommend this book if you love assassin Creed or fantasy books that are packed full of action and will keep you on the edge of your seat.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for creating this wonderful and exciting story that I just couldn't put down. I will certainly be looking out for more assassin Creed books and mire from this brilliant author.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $9.95, AUDIBLE, PB $14.59
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Kobo EB £6.49, AUDIO £15.99
Amazon UK K £6.49, AUDIBLE, PB £7.48
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