Publication date UK format 28/2/23 audio time 8h 46m book 272 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

A South Carolina family endures one life-shattering day in 1961 in a town that lies in the shadow of a nuclear bomb plant. It’s November 1, 1961, in a small town in South Carolina, and nuclear war is coming. Nine-year-old Wilson Porter believes this with every fiber of his being. He prowls his neighborhood for Communists and studies fallout pamphlets and the habits of his father, a scientist at the nuclear plant in town. Meanwhile, his mother Nellie covertly joins an anti-nuclear movement led by angry housewives—and his father, Dean, must decide what to do with the damning secrets he’s uncovered at the nuclear plant. When tragedy strikes, the Porter family must learn to confront their fears—of the world and of each other.
My Review
This was a fantastic story. It really packs a punch. I loved this book looks at nuclear pollution and its effect on a small town. It was interesting the way this fictional story was set. It's certainly is not your normal straightforward story. I lived its uniqueness. It was definitely a good strange story. There were certainly some great twists and many shocking turns. I loved that I failed to work out what was going to happen next. I listened to the audiobook and loved the narrators. They certainly brought out the great emotions and atmosphere that the book contained. I was certainly engrossed in this story. I loved that I was on the edge of my seat at times.
So much praise goes out to the author, narrators and publishers for creating this interesting story.
Where you can buy this book Amazon US K $11.49, AUDIBLE, HC $27.99 B&N HC $28.95, EB $11.49 Kobo EB £8.99, AUDIO £15.99 Amazon UK K £8.99, AUDIBLE, HC £20.99 All prices are subject to change at any time. Please remember to review all books you finish reading so others can find these amazing books. All reviews help just remember not to tell people what the book is about as everyone has already read the synopsis. Just include what you liked and felt when reading the book. HAPPY READING