Publication date UK format 1/9/22 audio time 21h 45 mins book 560 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

Traduttore, traditore: An act of translation is always an act of betrayal. 1828. Robin Swift, orphaned by cholera in Canton, is brought to London by the mysterious Professor Lovell. There, he trains for years in Latin, Ancient Greek, and Chinese, all in preparation for the day he'll enroll in Oxford University's prestigious Royal Institute of Translation — also known as Babel. Babel is the world's center of translation and, more importantly, of silver-working: the art of manifesting the meaning lost in translation through enchanted silver bars, to magical effect. Silver-working has made the British Empire unparalleled in power, and Babel's research in foreign languages serves the Empire's quest to colonize everything it encounters. Oxford, the city of dreaming spires, is a fairytale for Robin; a utopia dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. But knowledge serves power, and for Robin, a Chinese boy raised in Britain, serving Babel inevitably means betraying his motherland. As his studies progress Robin finds himself caught between Babel and the shadowy Hermes Society, an organization dedicated to sabotaging the silver-working that supports imperial expansion. When Britain pursues an unjust war with China over silver and opium, Robin must decide: Can powerful institutions be changed from within, or does revolution always require violence? What is he willing to sacrifice to bring Babel down? Babel — a thematic response to The Secret History and a tonal response to Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell — grapples with student revolutions, colonial resistance, and the use of translation as a tool of empire
My Review
Wow this was a fantastic read. I loved every minute of this book. It was amazing and so very unique like nothing I had ever read before. I listened to the audiobook and loved the fact it had 2 narrators. They were both used brilliantly and perfect for the novel. It actually felt like I was reading a non fiction book and I loved all the different languages used and how words were explained . Which made me feel like I was learning so much. I loved the magical elements in this book. I loved how you were lead to believe one thing and as the story developed you start to realise all is not as it seems making it a darker story. I won't say anything but the ending is very shocking and you won't see it coming. This book is full of dark twists which on the most part I didn't seem them coming which is brilliant. You are definitely in for a brilliant roller coaster ride. I loved the length of this book it really allowed for the characters to develop really well and I became emotionally invested in them and found that my heart was in my mouth at times. Its such a fantastic story line. I really loved the swift character so much especially when he picked his own name. It was really amazing reading about their university days and some of them becoming involved in the underground society. I just can't believe how talented this author is especially keep such an amazing fast pace throughout the whole book.
I really can't recommend this book enough it is totally worth a read even with the audiobook being 22 hours long. You won't want to miss even a minute.
Only the highest of praise goes out to the author and publishers for creating this stunning page turning novel which will definitely hit my top 10 reads of 2022 and that big seen as though I'm close to hitting 300 books this year. I will definitely be looking out for more books by this fantastic author.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $14.99, AUDIBLE, HC $20.49
Waterstones HC £14.99
B&N BN EXCLUSIVE $21.99, SIGNED COPY $27.99, HC $23.99, EBOOK $9.99
Kobo audio £19.99, ebook £9.99
Amazon UK K £9.99, AUDIBLE, HC £12.99
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