Publication date 4/11/21 Book 288 Pages

Standing at a professional crossroads, Julie Morrison decides to saddle up and start over. Her family’s ranch is on the brink of bankruptcy. While fighting for its future, she simultaneously seeks to salvage her marriage and rediscover her best self. When you ride across the rock-strewn terrain of a family-owned horse and cattle business, though, a gritty challenge awaits along the trail to every panoramic view. Entangled in the barbs of ranching and relationships, Julie will meet cold-hearted cowboys and funny farriers, learn how to ranch one-handed, and become an expert in assessing what’s essential. This is a romance in which the objects of devotion are hard-working horses and iconic western vistas, where hope and horseshoes harmonize and help arrives from the most unlikely places. Julie's journey of personal discovery will inspire readers to blaze their own trails to a future only they can create.
My Review
This book was absolutely brilliant. I just loved every minute of it. This book is so well written and tells the absolute truth of the struggles of running a ranch with all its difficulties. It covers the strains put on family and co workers and the relationships between these. The struggles with the weather in Arizona, the cost of keeping and supplementing the animals. And most of all the lack of profit margins due to the distances to the processing plants in rural areas. Also the lack of government support to correct these issues. I loved seeing how the ranch was ever trying to diversify to create enough income to keep it going. However with rural ranching there is always a small community who are willing help and support each other, with a few exceptions to the rule along the ways. These relationships with various new friends made this book for me. It was just so wonderful reading about things that people can achieve when they have friends to help one another. So much praise to the author and publishing team for bringing us this very true life book for others to read and enjoy and also for some to learn from.
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