Publication date 14/8/22 book 180 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

Imagine you had a superpower. Imagine you could fly, run 200 miles per hour, or slow down time. What story would you tell?
Filled with facts about their actual lives and behaviors, "Bugs" is a collection of short stories written from the insect's point of view on the last day of its life. Join two monogamous wasps as they sort out their relationship, a firefly on his search for love, a pregnant mosquito as she deals with her unexpected cravings, and more. Each story is annotated with footnotes explaining their actual behaviors and offering more information about these fascinating creatures, such as:
Time moves four times slower for houseflies than it does for humans.
Honeybees see rivers of polarized light that help them navigate to flowers.
Silverfish have a long and intricate courtship ritual that can last up to 30 minutes.
"Bugs" will have you thinking twice before you ever squish, stomp, or spray another insect.
My Review
This was a wonderful and at time funny book. Have you ever wondered what it is like to be a bug or an insect then you should read this book and let the bugs themselves tell you about their lives. I loved how it was wrote from the bugs point of view. It also contains information and facts about them . It's a collection of short stories covering a wide range of critters fly,ant,moth,cockroach etc. All were interesting stories that were both fascinating and funny. I really enjoyed the author humour. If you love learning about bug then this book is definitely for you. My favourite story had to be the one about the fly. It had me laughing so much. This book is very well wrote and the stories flowed so well. This book is marketed for adults as it contains swear words but I really think that if these words were removed that young adults would love this book aswell. As it would be great if the younger generations could learn from these great stories. Learning things about nature without even knowing it. This book would also be a great read for those who are looking for books to read from the animals point of view. I just really enjoyed reading this fantastic, different and so very unique book.
So much praise goes out to the author for creating such an enjoyable and interesting collection of stories. I would like to read more of these wonderful stories.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K UNLIMITED OR $3.99, PB $9.50
Amazon UK K UNLIMITED OR £3.67 PB £8.75
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