Publication date UK format 23/2/22 book 145 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

A mother and daughter travel from abroad to meet in Tokyo: they walk along the canals through the autumn evenings, escape the typhoon rains, share meals in small cafes and restaurants, and visit galleries to see some of the city's most radical modern art. All the while, they talk: about the weather, horoscopes, clothes, and objects, about family, distance, and memory. But uncertainties abound. Who is really speaking here - is it only the daughter? And what is the real reason behind this elliptical, perhaps even spectral journey? At once a careful reckoning and an elegy, Cold Enough for Snow questions whether any of us speak a common language, which dimensions can contain love, and what claim we have to truly know another's inner world. Selected from more than 1,500 entries, Cold Enough for Snow won the Novel Prize, a new, biennial award offered by Fitzcarraldo Editions, New Directions (US) and Giramondo (Australia), for any novel written in English that explores and expands the possibilities of the form.
My Review
This was a lovely story that I definitely enjoyed reading. I started it late at night and tried so hard to day up and finish it as I couldn't put it down. It was beautifully wrote and flowed so well. I loved how it was a story of mother and daughter travelling through Japan. It grabbed me from the start and took me on a wonderful journey. It had a great medium pace and almost made me feel like I was reading a true story. It was easy to connect with and I loved the two made characters they were realistic. I definitely recommend reading this book especially if you love reading quick read books .
So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for creating such a wonderful story that really kept my attention. This book had some brilliant culture that made me feel like I was in the Story.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $8.52, AUDIBLE, PB $9.99
Waterstones PB £9.99
B&N PB $14.99, EB $11.49
Kobo EB £3.99, AUDIO £15.99
Amazon UK K £3.99, AUDIBLE, PB £7.74
All prices are subject to change at any time. Please remember to review all books you finish reading so others can find these amazing books. All reviews help just remember not to tell people what the book is about as everyone has already read the synopsis. Just include what you liked and felt when reading the book.