Publication date UK format 30/3/21 book 160 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

Understanding and framing your life in patterns of joy will help you fully experience our God who delights in the joy of his children. This six-session study helps you see why joy is important, move into the woman God calls you to be, and find joy even in the tough times"--
My Review
This was a lovely book. It was nice that the author uses life experiences as examples to fortify her words. I really liked that the author gave examples of prayers and sections of the bible asking you to write them in your own words. It was a nice easy read that you can really connect with. It never felt like I was been told what to do or how to worship God which is very important to me. It was very well written. I loved how she explains the differences in worship. That everyone is different and nobody is wrong in the way they worship. It was just a wonderful gentle guide that really helped me. It made me feel like I was not alone in the way I worship God. I definitely recommend reading this book.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for bringing us this wonderful and easy to connect with book.
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