Publication date UK format 13/11/21 BOOK 109 Pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

An Orks Novella An origin story unlike any other, Da Gobbo’s Revenge plumbs the very depths of the ork psyche to show you just what happens when you kick the wrong grot one too many times. READ IT BECAUSE Mike Brooks proves once again he’s the master of ork kultur. You’ll witness the rise of one of the most enduring and, dare we say it, lovable legends in all of orkdom. THE STORY Fingwit is a grot. Food, riches, prestige, some form of personal safety – all of these are alien concepts to him, stuck firmly as he is at the bottom of the high, kunnin', and brutally violent heap that constitutes ork society, where to be a grot is to suffer endless torment. However, when the Mek whom Fingwit unwillingly serves leads him and his fellow grots in a boarding action of an Imperial vessel as part of a vast void war, Fingwit is presented with an opportunity to become not just a hero but a legend... Da Red Gobbo.
My Review
This was a fantastic read. I loved every single second of it. It was definitely a page turner. I definitely had to read it in one sitting. If you don't know about warhammer 40k this short novel is a perfect read to get you in the mood for more fantasy books by black library.
The book was wrote in a fantastic and humorous style with plenty of action too.
I really miss playing warhammer 40k but these book definitely never let me forget about it. I think it's great having these books as it gives the table top game even more life. It could even inspire you to create the scenes from this story.
I thought the story line was so much fun and very exciting. Loved how dumb some of the characters were. This really made me enjoy the story even more. I felt like a was reading Orks : a history lol a short intriguing story into there lives. I definitely recommend this book to all fantasy fans. I will definitely be looking out for more books by this amazing author.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for creating this wonderful and very imaginative short story.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $6.13
Kobo ebook £4.99
Amazon UK K £4.99, HC £10.11
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