Publication date UK format 12/10/21 book 368 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is gone, the Avengers have fallen. All that stands in defence of the world are its greatest villains, the Dark Avengers, in this high-octane adventure from the Marvel Untold line
Under Norman Osborn’s jurisdiction, the Avengers have been secretly re-formed with a cabal of deadly super villains. This is Osborn’s chance to finally put the Green Goblin behind him and become the Iron Patriot the world needs him to be. But villains aren’t easy to wrangle into the place of heroes – doing damage control for his new line-up constantly puts his empire at risk. When S.H.I.E.L.D. loyalists break into Avengers Tower and steal the secret list of replacements for his team of maniacs, the threat to his reign becomes intolerable. Osborn unleashes the worst of the worst to crush those responsible… It’s hard to be a hero!
My Review
This book was very good. I liked the fact we got to see the more darker side of the marvel characters. As they try to take the place of the avengers as Shield was disbanded.
I did really enjoy reading this book and i thought the action and humor was great.
This book was however, heavily reliant on the know of characters from the old marvel comics which I had never read so I did have to Google them to learn about there characters as there seemed to be little back story provided in the novel. This did make me feel like I was missing out on something. So it would of been nice to feel a connection with the characters which is why my star rating is lower on this book. That said anyone with prior knowledge is going to absolutely love this novel as they could easily relate to the story.
I must been a natural goody as I know more about the heroes and all my marvel knowledge spans from the movies and TV series.
Many thanks to the author and publishers for creating this enjoyable story. That will fantastic for those who love the darker side of marvel.
Where you can buy this book
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Kobo ebook £6.49
Amazon UK K £6.49 PB £7.37
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