Publication date UK format 2/2/23 book 432 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

BERLIN. JANUARY 1940. After Germany's invasion of Poland, the world is holding its breath and hoping for peace. At home, the Nazi Party's hold on power is absolute. One freezing night, an SS doctor and his wife return from an evening mingling with their fellow Nazis at the concert hall. By the time the sun rises, the doctor will be lying lifeless in a pool of blood. Was it murder or suicide? Criminal Inspector Horst Schenke is told that under no circumstances should he investigate. The doctor's widow, however, is convinced her husband was the target of a hit. But why would anyone murder an apparently obscure doctor? Compelled to dig deeper, Schenke learns of the mysterious death of a child. The cases seem unconnected, but soon chilling links begin to emerge that point to a terrifying secret. Even in times of war, under a ruthless regime, there are places in hell no man should ever enter. And Schenke fears he may not return alive . . .
My Review
This was a great story. I enjoyed reading it. It was interesting and contained some great characters. Especially some that you love to hate. The storyline was obviously based on true events and contains some shocking moments which is not for the faint-hearted. I liked the way that at the start of the book the author writes a warning that this story is very shocking and he hopes to have done it justice. I have been looking forward to reading this author for some time. The actual storyline was 4 stars. However, the reading experience for me was only 3 stars. It was a fantastic story but it really lacked any atmosphere and tension. I just didn't feel anything reading this book. It is so important for me to feel emotions while reading. I am hoping this is a one-off as I have the Eagle series all ready and waiting for me to binge-read. I love roman history so I have been saving it. So fingers crossed.
Many thanks to the author and publishers for bringing us this shocking story. I only wished I had felt something.
Where you can buy this book
Waterstones HC £16.99
Google Books EB £9.99
Kobo EB £9.99, AUDIO £21.99
Amazon UK K £9.99, AUDIBLE, HC £10.50
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