Publication date UK format 14/9/22 book 224 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

Arranged in chapters covering physical characteristics, senses, life cycle, communication, and behavior, Dogs is a hugely informative visual celebration. The first species to be domesticated, dogs have been selectively bred over thousands of years. Today they're man's best friend—but while many are pets, many, too, are working animals: as K-9s for the police, guide dogs for the blind, guard dogs, sheepdogs, sled dogs, and therapy animals. From huskies to German shepherds, from collies to Chihuahuas, Shih Tzus to Jack Russell terriers, Labradors to bullmastiffs to dachshunds, the book includes a huge range of breeds. With fascinating captions on every page, even dog lovers will learn something new. Dogs is a brilliant examination in outstanding color photographs.
My Review
This was a great book packed full of wonderful pictures. The book starts by looking at the origins of the dog from wild to domesticated dogs. Then looks at the behaviour etc of our favourite breeds of dogs. It contains so fascinating facts that I didn't know. And loved that i was learning mew facts. This fantastic photograph based book is great for all the family to read together and enjoy the facts of dogs. I just loved the section looking at puppies I definitely looking and read that section more than once as the pictures were just so cute. The books layout was great and it flowed so well. Everything was explained well making it very easy to read and understand fir all ages. Each section looks at a different characteristic such as behaviour etc. Each section starts with a basic description then moves on to show this facts with pictures. Each picture contains a description with a fascinating fact. If you love looking at great dog pictures then this book is definitely for you.
Many thanks to the author and publishers for producing a great book packed full of beautiful pictures that would look great on anyone's bookcase or coffee table. You will love looking at this book time and time again.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US HC $29.99
Waterstones HC £19.99
B&N HC $29.99
Amazon UK HC £15.99
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