Publication date UK format 6/10/22 book 160 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

Who had birds called Death, Wigs and Spinach? How do you spell the noise of a door slamming? Whose working title was The Chronic Argonauts?Henry Eliot - author, editor and insatiable bookworm - has ransacked the libraries and archives of world literature, compiling hundreds of bookish lists. This eclectic gallimaufry showcases his favourites: we witness the tragic ends of the Ancient Greek tragedians, learn the name of George Orwell's pet cockerel and rummage through Joan Didion's travelling bag; we consider the history of literary fart jokes, orbit the Shakespearean moons of Uranus and meet several pigs with wings. From the sublime to the ridiculous - and everything in between - Eliot's lists, recommendations and nuggets of trivia will delight, inspire and surprise anyone who loves reading.Beautifully presented with supplementary maps and illustrations, Henry Eliot's Book of Bookish Lists is the essential gift for book-lovers.
My Review
This was an interesting book. This book must contain something that everyone has ever wanted to know. It has list of banned books, lists of titles based on poems and information lists like explaining a few publishers logos. It even explains how book isbn numbers are produced a fact I never knew. I also loved the dewy system. A few lists had me a bit confused as to what they were about. I think some lists could do with an explanation. There were some interesting science lists including how moons or creaters on the moon were named after fictional characters. List of authors and the animals and there pets name. Definitely useful for those who like naming their animals after authors pets. This would make a great gift for book lover especially those who love poetry, literary fiction and classics, but there is something for everyone. I think this book would of flowed alot better if the lists were organised into hatters based on type of list or genres. Some of this lists are very interesting but some just seem to be there to pad out the book a bit. I actually expected lists on top books to read etc. I enjoyed reading it but I am not sure I would reread it or find it useful enough to keep after reading. I actually rated this book 3.5 stars rounded up as it is better than an average rating.
Many thanks to the author and publishers for creating an interesting list of bookish thing. That I learnt so much from.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US HC $14.52
Waterstones HC £10.99
Google Books EB £9.49
Kobo EB £9.49
Amazon UK K £9.49, HC £8.79
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