Publication date UK format 15/2/22 audio time 7 hrs 21 m book 240 Pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

Five Nickels is the true story of Captain Steve Phillis, a decorated Air Force A-10 fighter pilot killed under heroic circumstances while trying to save his downed wingman on their thirtieth Desert Storm combat mission. On February 15, 1991, Captain Steve Phillis was leading his wingman, Lieutenant Rob Sweet, on their thirtieth combat mission of Desert Storm flying the A-10 Warthog. They were tasked with attacking Iraq’s vaunted Medina Division of the Republican Guards—by far their most dangerous mission of the war. Near the end of their attacks, Rob was forced to eject from his aircraft and began a five-minute parachute ride down to the troops he and Steve had just finished bombing. Steve, an experienced combat search and rescue pilot and distinguished graduate of the Air Force Fighter Weapons School, immediately sprang into action to save the life of his wingman. After spending three minutes and forty-five seconds circling Sweet, Steve’s A-10 was hit by an enemy surface-to-air missile. Five Nickels: True Story of the Desert Storm Heroics and Sacrifice of Air Force Captain Steve Phillis, is a love story. Steve loved his family, fiancée, fellow fighter pilots, country, wingman, and life. Yet he was willing to risk them all to fight—and if necessary, die—for what he believed in. Steve’s story—from Rock Island, Illinois to the Air Force Academy, to his life as an A-10 fighter pilot—is the stuff of heroes. As Steve’s Academy classmate and boxing partner, fellow fighter pilot and “Top Gun” graduate, Jim “Boots” Demarest is uniquely qualified to tell Steve’s story. A gifted storyteller, Boots shares his experience with Steve from the Academy Boxing Team to paint a complete picture of the man who had so much to live for, yet was willing to risk it all to do the right thing. Five Nickels is filled with the details of Steve’s life and loves that will capture, enchant, and pull readers in. His story of combat heroics in the face of incredible danger will captivate and inspire all who read it.
My Review
This book was very interesting and I really enjoyed listening to the audiobook. I have actually given it 3.5star rounded up. I just loved the narrator's voice he was a perfect match for the book. He really kept my interest throughout. Its such a wonderfully wrote recollection of one man's military career. There was plenty of emotion that came out throughout this story. It was so wonderful to hear how amazing his life and career was he really did the nation proud. It was really thrilling to read. This would be a perfect book for all those who love reading about military history and those who just love learning about modern warfare. Also those like me who just love reading anything air force or navy.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for bringing to light this amazing and emotion account. It really was a pleasure to hear this wonderful book.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $9.32 , AUDIO, HC $23.09
Google Books ebook £7.62
B&N HC $28.00 N $9.99 , AUDIO
Kobo AUDIO £14.38 ebook £7.99
Amazon UK K £7.55, AUDIBLE , HC £12.48
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