Publication date UK format 6/5/21 book 256 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

'Punchy and to the point. No beating around the bush. This brilliant book contains all the information we need to have in our back pocket in order to move forward' Christiana Figueres, Former Executive Secretary UN Climate Change Convention 'A timely and important book, not only laying out the facts...but suggesting real solutions to the challenges facing us' Professor Alice Roberts, Anatomist, Professor of Public Engagement in Science, University of Birmingham _________________________ How can we save our planet and survive the 21st century? How can you argue with deniers? How can we create positive change in the midst of the climate crisis? Professor Mark Maslin has the key facts that we need to protect our future. Global awareness of climate change is growing rapidly. Science has proven that our planet and species are facing a massive environmental crisis. How to Save Our Planet is a call to action, guaranteed to equip everyone with the knowledge needed to make change. Be under no illusion the challenges of the twenty-first century are immense. We need to deal with: climate change, environmental destruction, global poverty and ensure everyone's security. We have the technology. We have the resources. We have the money. We have the scientists, the entrepreneurs and the innovators. We lack the politics and policies to make your vision of a better world happen. So we need a plan to save our planet... How to Save Our Planet is your handbook of how we together can save our precious planet. From the history of our planet and species, to the potential of individuals and our power to create a better future, Maslin inspires optimism in these bleak times. We stand at the precipice. The future of our planet is in our hands. It's time to face the facts and save our planet from, and for, ourselves. _________________________ 'A handbook of clearly established, authoritative facts and figures about the terrible toll we as humans have taken of our planet, plus ways in which we can lessen the impact. For laypeople like me, who can see what is happening but haven't always got the precise statistics to hand, it's hugely valuable' John Simpson CBE, BBC World Affairs Editor, Broadcaster, Author & Columnist 'Saving the world is no small thing, but picking up this book's a good start' Paris Lees, Contributing Editor at British Vogue, campaigner
My Review
This was a brilliant read. It was so refreshing to actually read a book, that states the cold hard truth about what's happening to our planet. I think this book should be read by everyone on the planet. So each and every person understands just hope important change is. Then we can all work together to create a better future for our children. It even shows how we can put pressure on our government. The book was wrote in simple terms so everyone can understand. I actually believe this book should be every high school and should be a compulsory read. I loved how every statement was backed up with references. That makes it easier to read up on every statement.
I really recommend this book to everyone who wants to do their bit. Also everyone who is affected by extreme weather problems. Also all those who like living near a coastline.
Only the highest praise goes out to the author and publishers for producing this magnificent book that only states the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $6.29, AUDIBLE, PB $11.79
Waterstones PB £7.99
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B&N N $9.99, PB $15.95, AUDIOBOOK $12.00
Kobo ebook £4.99, audiobook £9.00
Amazon UK K £4.99, AUDIBLE, PB £6.55
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