Publication date UK format 22/2/22 book 365 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

Few places are as familiar as the shore – and few as full of mystery and surprise. In the sea is not made of water Adam Nicolson explores the multiple, interleaved layers of that world and the long human relationship with the shore. How do sandhoppers inherit an inbuilt compass from their parents? What is it that prawns know? How do crabs understand the tides? How can the death of one winkle guarantee the lives of its companions? Connections animate the book. The physics of the seas, the biology of anemone and limpet, the long history of the earth itself, the governing myths and stories of those who have lived and survived here: all interconnect in the zone where philosopher, scientist and poet can meet and puzzle over the nature of what exists. The intertidal has been the scene for all kinds of scientific discovery – from the workings of evolution to the intricacies of biological networks. But its story is as much human as natural history: how far should our own lives be understood as an aspect of ecology? Do our buried beliefs about the tidal sea reflect a fundamental understanding of our relationship to nature? And is it the shifting condition of that tidal world, its pervasive uncertainty, its fierce interfolding of opportunity and threat, that makes it one of the most emblematic and revelatory habitats on earth? the sea is not made of water is an invitation to the shoreline. Anyone who chooses can look beyond their own reflection and find the marvellous there, waiting an inch beneath their nose.
My Review
This was a brilliant read. I just loved every second of it. Anything coastal and nature really excites me and I just love learning from books like this one it was so fascinating and became a real page turner for me.
It was wrote with a fantastic mix of shoreline nature, science/ecology mixed with some wonderful literary fiction snippets which definitely made for a wonderful read.
You could really tell that the author held great passion for the subjects he was writing about.
I just loved how he concentrated on one animal at a time that he had managed to find in the tidal pools he created. His explanations of these were fabulous even including fascinating case studies. I have to say the most fascinating for me was my most hated creature mentioned the sand hopper or sand flea or little jumping ... enter your own word here lol.
This book took place in Scotland on the part of coastline very close to his home.
I just loved all the pictures that were in this book . I just wished they were in colour. I definitely recommend this book to all those nature lovers and for those like me who just love reading about the nature that surrounds us. I will be looking out for more fascinating nature books from this brilliant author.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for creating this extremely fascinating book that I loved so much.
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