Publication date 23/9/21 Audio Time 4hrs 9 mins, Book 194 Pages

Lying and Making a Living, the title from a Barry Hannah quote picks up where Short Mean Fiction leaves off. It contains more of the irreverent, hard-hitting, exhilarating, ironic, and emblematic prose we've come to expect from the writer and painter William Dunlap. His stories, some as short as a single page, leave the reader gasping for breath and wanting more. Whereas Short Mean Fiction, his first gathering of stories promised words and pictures, Lying and Making a Living delivers fiction with footnotes in all their subtle explanation and incongruity. Language is something of a birthright for this Southerner whose characters we know by what they do. Dunlap identifies with William Faulkner who said he invented his people and then "ran along behind them writing down what they have to say." As with Dunlap's paintings, he feels little pride in authorship and makes no literary claims for Lying and Making a Living. But admits that for what its worth, for better or worse, and to his utter surprise, there are many more where these came from.
My Review
This was a fantastic collection of short stories. Each one was better than the last. I loved the quality of the stories and the fact that each of these stories could me make into its on 5 star book. I loved the footnotes they were so useful and gave the book an extra depth to it. I love the fact that each story had that one shocking moment that you don't see coming. Each story includes something controversial and is dealt with in extraordinary ways. There was never a dull moment in the entire book. I listened to the audio version of this book. I found the narrator added so much to else stories adding a great sense of atmosphere. He was perfect for this collection. I must note that I wasn't overly impressed with the cover though. However the title alone drew me into wanting to read this book. The title was so fitting to this book it was so clever. I will definitely be keeping my eye open for more titles by this author. I would like to thank the author and publishers for bringing us such an amazing and very cleverly wrote collection of short stories really bring them to life.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US Kindle $9.10 Available on Audible Paperback $19.95
Amazon UK Kindle £6.71 Available on Audible Paperback £14.88
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