Publication date UK format 28/4/22 book 256 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and the book network for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

For six generations, the Pemberton family have farmed at Birks Farm in the picturesque town of Lytham on Lancashire's Fylde Coast, working at the heart of the area since the 1830s and supplying dairy produce to the local community ever since. In 2016, Tom Pemberton uploaded a one-minute video to YouTube about how to use the farm shop's new raw milk vending machine. He thought a handful of people would watch it. It turns out many more did. And so he began uploading regular videos, every Tuesday, Friday and the occasional Sunday to show what he gets up to on the farm. Things don't always go to plan, especially when you're the farmer's son, but every day's a learning day and Tom approaches work as he does life in general: stay positive and don't take yourself too seriously. Make Hay While the Sun Shines takes us behind the farm gate and follows a year on the farm: from calving cows to maintaining machinery, from mucking out to planning and building a brand-new cow shed. Tom gives us a unique insight into everyday life on a busy dairy farm with all its highs, lows and hard graft. Full of heart, amusing anecdotes and unforgettable characters like Tom's dad, Andy - aka the Ginger Warrior - this is Tom's story of determination, adventure and how to keep a smile on your face even when you're knee deep in cow poo.
My Review
Wow this is such an amazing read. I really didn't want this book to end it was that much fun to read. I often find it fascinating learning about new things and different people jobs and this book didn't disappoint. I love being on farms and this book really made me feel part of a farming family I connected straight away and became totally engrossed in the book. The author Tom writes so well making it very interesting , wonderful, fun and whitty book. I just loved the humour that ran through this book. It was really fun but serious at the same time. Which makes it the perfect blend, to get the importance of this book across. I just couldn't put this book down. It was so nice reading how the younger generation of farmers are evolving the farm while still using the knowledge of the older generation his father the ginger ninja. It was packed full of amazing facts about everyday life on the farm, the different animals and how tom and the family carefully chose how to upgrade the farm. I loved the fact that the author incorporates Facebook, twitter, Instagram and YouTube into farming and the community. I loved this book so much it was just perfect in every way. It definitely brighted up my day knowing the next generation of farmers are both protecting our hard working animals and environment. It also shows just how important these matters are to tom and his Family. I will definitely be looking out for more books by this author and just can't wait to read the next book. So tom keep writing.
The highest of praise goes out to the author and publishers for creating this truly stunning book that will take me on a wonderful journey to a magnificent farm from the seat of my very comfy green chair.
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