Publication date UK format 11/3/15 book 308 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

Great Expectations has it all: romance, mystery, comedy, and unforgettable characters woven through a gripping rags-to-riches tale. Naïve Pip, creepy Miss Haversham, beautifully cold Estella, terrifying Abel Magwitch, and the rest of Dicken's fantastic cast are perfectly envisioned in this new adaptation in this 300-plus page volume featuring artwork by artist Nokman Poon.
Manga Classics editions feature classic stories, faithfully adapted and illustrated in manga style, and available in both hardcover and softcover editions. Proudly presented by UDON Entertainment and Morpheus Publishing.
From the Back Cover Great Expectations has it all: romance, mystery, comedy and unforgettable characters woven through a gripping rags-to-riches tale. Naïve Pip, creepy Miss Haversham, beautifully cold Estella, terrifying Abel Magwitch and the rest of Dicken's fantastic cast are perfectly envisioned in this new adaptation in this 300 plus page volume featuring artwork by artist Nokman Poon. About the Author Charles John Huffam Dickens was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's best-known fictional characters and is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. Crystal S. Chan is an award-winning author and television screen play writer. She holds a degree in language and literature. Crystal is a huge fan of authors such as Jane Austen and she is equally passionate about Sailor Moon. Her passion for classic literature combined with her love of the comics medium allows her to strike a solid balance between preserving the depth of the original content while adapting the language for a younger generation. Nokman Poon says her greatest passion for drawing comics comes from the globally popular video game Street Fighter. She says she was inspired to become an artist through the art of her beloved fighting game. When she wasn’t playing the game, she would draw her favorite characters in fight scenes in order to quench her thirst of the exciting gameplay. Her years of training in comic of the fighting game genre gives her drawing a touch of firmness and crisp that rivals a male artist. Nokman enjoys sampling cuisine from all over the world. She admits that recently she has become addicted to playing mobile games during her leisure time
My Review
This was a brilliant graphic novel. I have read the great expectations book before, and I loved being able to read it again in graphic novel format. Plus, how often do you get to read a book from the back to the front. The pictures were in wonderful detail. It flowed so well and was very well written. I just loved the atmosphere that was created. It was such an amazing reading experience. This book will be perfect for school/home education from young to adult as it's easy to understand the storyline. I certainly recommend reading it. I love manga classics as I have read a few now and thoroughly enjoyed each and every one. It's a great alternative to reading a classic or to accompany reading the classic. It will definitely better clarify the story. I just loved all the emotions that this book brought out of me.
Only the highest of praise goes out to the author, illustrator, and publishers for creating such a wonderful reading experience. I will definitely be reading more books from this series.
Where you can buy this book from
Amazon US K $9.99, HC $24.99, PB $17.99
Waterstones HC £22.99, PB £15.99
Google Books EB £11.41
B&N HC $24.99, PB $17.99, EB $17.99
Kobo EB £9.99
Amazon UK K £13.96, HC £22.99, PB £14.67
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