Publication date UK format 27/9/22 book 335 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

JOHNSTONE COUNTRY. WHERE FAMILY COMES FIRST. Ex-lawman turned cattle rancher Ty Brannigan loves his wife and children. And may Lord have mercy on those who would harm them--because Ty Brannigan will show none. KILLER SMILE No one knows their way around a faro table, bank vault, or six shooter more than Smilin' Doc Ford. When he's not gambling or thieving, he's throwing lead--or, if he's feeling especially vicious, slitting throats with his Arkansas toothpick. Roaming the west with Doc is a band of wild outlaws including a pair of hate-filled ex-cons and the voluptuous Zenobia "Zee" Swallow, Doc's kill-crazy lady. The gang have been on a killing spree, leaving a trail of bodies near Ty Brannigan's Powderhorn spread in Wyoming's Bear Paw Mountains. U.S. marshals want Ty to help them track down Smilin' Doc's bunch. But when the hunt puts the Brannigan clan in the outlaws' sights, Ty and his kin take justice into their own hands--and deliver it with a furious, final vengeance.
My Review
This was a great sequel to branigans land. I really enjoyed meeting some of the characters again and they deal with the new problems. I easily became hooked on this exciting story and loved all the action, fights and the hunting down the bad guys. It wasn't quite as good as the first novel but was definitely worth it's 4 star rating. In this novel ty highly dependent on his children to deal with problems. It was great reading about the next generation of law fighting to defend their land. I especially loved the bar scene where he son stood up to the fastest gun slinger. I definitely recommend this book if you love the old style western stories. This story was well developed.
It was easy to connect with the characters and love them. This book had plenty of atmosphere created by the authors great description. It was definitely an exciting and thrilling roller coaster ride.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for creating such an action packed novel. I will definitely be looking out for more books by this fantastic author.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $4.99, AUDIBLE, PB $8.99
Waterstones PB £7.99
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B&N PB $8.99, E $7.49
Kobo AUDIO £15.99, E £5.99
Amazon UK K £4.47, AUDIBLE, PB £7.71
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