Publication date 6/1/22 Book 64 Pages
Many thanks to the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me a review copy of this book to read with my daughter we loved it.

Award-winning author Tanya Landman brings a fresh perspective to horse-riding stories with a heart-warming new series about friendship and dreaming big. Meg treasures every moment that she gets to spend riding, and she has always longed for a pony of her own. She knows Mum and Dad can’t afford a pony – they can’t even afford her weekly riding lessons any more. But on the morning of her tenth birthday, Meg looks out the window to an unbelievable sight … a pony standing in the front garden. Have all of Meg’s wishes come true?
My Review
This is such a beautiful short chapter book. My daughter read this book to me and she loved it. She especially loved the pictures and kept showing me every one of them saying wow look at this one. It was a lreally lovely and heartwarming tale. I think that's its really important to spend time with your child reading everyday listening to them read creates that wonderful special bond and this is a perfect book for that. I loved how it shows that parents sometimes struggle for money for riding lessons and that the Meg was very understanding and because of this attitude good things came her way. It showed the brilliant connection between horse and child. This is a perfect book for your child who is just transferring from picture books to chapter books. I can't recommend this book enough its so beautiful and such a wonderful story. Many thanks to the author and publishers for bringing this fantastic book to life. Bringing warmth and happiness to many children.
Where you can buy this book from
Amazon US Kindle $6.65
Waterstones Paperback £6.99
Barnes & Noble Nook $6.49
Kobo £3.99
Amazon UK Kindle £4.99 Paperback £6.99
All prices are subject to change at any time. Please remember and post reviews of the books you read together with your child