Publication date UK format 16/8/22 book 312 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

Stories of long-lived animal species--from thousand-year-old tubeworms to 400-year-old sharks--and what they might teach us about human health and longevity. Opossums in the wild don't make it to the age of three; our pet cats can live for a decade and a half; cicadas live for seventeen years (spending most of them underground). Whales, however, can live for two centuries and tubeworms for several millennia. Meanwhile, human life expectancy tops out around the mid-eighties, with some outliers living past 100 or even 110. Is there anything humans can learn from the exceptional longevity of some animals in the wild? In Methusaleh's Zoo, Steven Austad tells the stories of some extraordinary animals, considering why, for example, animal species that fly live longer than earthbound species and why animals found in the ocean live longest of all. Austad--the leading authority on longevity in animals--argues that the best way we will learn from these long-lived animals is by studying them in the wild. Accordingly, he proceeds habitat by habitat, examining animals that spend most of their lives in the air, comparing insects, birds, and bats; animals that live on, and under, the ground--from mole rats to elephants; and animals that live in the sea, including quahogs, carp, and dolphins. Humans have dramatically increased their lifespan with only a limited increase in healthspan; we're more and more prone to diseases as we grow older. By contrast, these species have successfully avoided both environmental hazards and the depredations of aging. Can we be more like them?
My Review
This was a brilliant read. I loved it that much that I needed to read it all in one sitting. It was so packed full of fascinating information that I learnt so much from reading it. I was totally engrossed in the book from the start. As the author wrote the book so well it flowed brilliantly and was easy to understand and take in. It had a real whit about it aswell which made it even more enjoyable. I have to say my favourite bit was where the author explains estimated ages of animals. There zoos and private collectors say they own the oldest animal. I was laughing when the author explained that the claim from the oldest elephant changed from African to an Asian elephant. There was also lots of science which I love and the author did an excellent job explaining it all. So we can all understand. If you love learning amazing animal facts then this book is for you. I can't recommend this book enough. I'm not entirely sure what I have taken away from the book about humans living longer but I loved this book all the same. It kept me happy and entertained for hours. With me saying wow or no way out loud throughout.
Only the highest of praise goes out to the author and publishers for creating such a fascinating book about the longevity of animals lives.
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