Publication date UK format 28/6/22 book 276 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

It’s 2003, nearly 30 years after the Vietnam War… Blanche “Bang” Murninghan is sitting on the dock of the Peel ‘n Eat Pier on Santa Maria Island, sipping an excellent draft and wiggling her fishing pole after an elusive sheepshead. It’s hot out and the sun is shining. She doesn’t see the woman eyeing her from the fishing hut—not until she appears at Blanche’s side and forever disrupts Blanche’s peaceful idyll in this quiet Gulf coast town. The woman is Jean McMahon and she needs Blanche’s help—her amateur sleuthing skills have become local legend after she helped solve the murder of a friend and dodge some drug-dealing land developers. Jean needs a good dose of that Blanche determination and doggedness. It’s not a simple favor Jean asks. Will Blanche go to Vietnam with her and look for Jean’s mother?
My Review
This was an interesting story. It's a fictional story but it reads like an autobiography. Well I thought it did. I liked the story line of trying to find parents in Vietnam. However, the 2 friends get caught up in lots of bother. It definitely is a roller coaster ride. The characters were nice but I didn't really connect with any of them. This book was a bit of a mixed bag for me there was really good parts but there was some that didn't really work for me. Don't get me wrong I like reading it, it was wrote well enough and had some great parts describing the war in Vietnam. It just felt like it was wrote for an older generation. I rated this book 3.5 stars rounded up as it was better than an average star rating but not enough to get the 4 star. You could always read a sample of this book to see if my 3.5 rating is your 5 star read. What I did love about this book is that many parts that were so interesting, full of culture and some unexpected twists and turns that I didn't see coming.
Many thanks to the author and publishers for creating an enjoyed story.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $6.99, PB $14.99
Google Books EB £6.30
B&N PB $14.99, EB $6.49
Kobo EB £4.99
Amazon UK K £6.26, PB £10.91
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