Publication date 14/10/21 Book 224 Pages

With full captions explaining how each species act in a group, communicate, hunt and feed, and rear its young, Monkeys is a brilliant examination in 150 outstanding color photographs of these remarkable primates. As our closest relatives in the animal world, monkeys have always fascinated and amused humans in equal measure. Monkeys is an outstanding collection of photographs showing these complex, intelligent animals in their natural habitat. Arranged in chapters covering anatomy, family, behavior, feeding, and young, Monkeys features a wide variety of monkeys and apes, including baboons, gorillas, Orangutans, macaques, howler monkeys, spider monkeys, marmosets, gibbons, mandrills, and chimpanzees. The smallest monkey is the pygmy marmoset, which can be just 4.6 inches in length with a 6.8-inch tail and weighing just over 3.5 oz., while the massive Grauer's gorilla can weigh over 400 lbs.
My Review
I loved this book, I thought the pictures were great and the snippets of information about each image was very informative. I liked the way each chapter covered a different subject. Firstly going through the types of primates. Then moving things like family groups or behaviours. Maybe i'm being a little picky but maybe this book would of got that 5th star if it just looked at each animal in turn with behaviour etc on each set of informative text as I would of loved to read more about them within the text with supporting pictures rather than each picture having its own great snippet of information. I loved reading about the social interactions with each other. Also how some moneys have one dominant male and others don't. I especially loved reading why the colours of the monkeys are different. I wished there was a section on what pray these moneys have and how they warn each others or protect each other. The images in this book were brilliant and some are so close you could see some amazing features like how some monkey have special pads on there rails for better grip.these really great close ups really made this book stand out for me. I found I had learnt a lot from this book and can see it as a great reference book which is brilliant for all ages. I would like to thank the author and publishing team for bringing us this magnificent and very interesting read for everyone to enjoy learning together as a family unit.
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