Publication date 1/11/21 Book 285 Pages

The true story of two women who found meaning, strength, and friendship in one of the most punishing and magnificent landscapes on earth. Amy Butcher was an accomplished college professor, mentor, and writer, but in her own home, she was embarrassed and emotionally burdened by an increasingly abusive relationship. Exhausted and terrified of the ways her partner’s behavior could escalate, Amy reached out to Instagram celebrity Joy “Mothertrucker” Wiebe. Joy was a fifty-year-old wife and mother and the nation’s only female ice road trucker, a woman who maneuvered big rigs through the Alaskan wilderness along the deadliest road in America. Joy was everything Amy wanted to be: independent, fearless, and in charge of her life in a landscape dominated by men. Invited by Joy to ride shotgun, Amy found her escape on a road that was treacherous, beautiful, and exhilarating—an adventurous ride through the Alaskan wilderness that was profoundly life changing. Mothertrucker is the story of that bracing four-hundred-mile journey navigating snow-glazed overpasses, ice-blue curves, and near plummets. It’s also the stories that led them both to Alaska—an interrogation of the reality of female fear, domestic violence, and how to overcome—and an exploration into just how galvanizing friendships between women can be.
My Review
This was a brilliant and fascinating book. It was so heartwarming, emotional and captivating I just couldn't put it down. It was so beautifully wrote and a marvellous tribute to such an awe inspiring lady and iconic female driver of the Dalton Highway Alaska. The worlds most dangerous road and featured in the Discovery Channels documentary the ice road truckers. Would i found amazing that both joy and the author both shared the fact that they were physical abused by their partners and that joy had used the ice road as her saving grace and she so wanted to show the author how it could do the same for her. Joy was a woman of so much passion and love for others which the author captured amazingly well creating this most powerful work. The life lessons that joy taught the author along their journey along the Dalton highway was so magical to read I became so engrossed in the book I would lose track of time. The beauty and life styles of Alaskans in the area are portrayed wonderful throughout the book with us being introduced to some amazing details and people. What strikes me the most was the system in place to thank fellow truckers for their help. It was the attention to such details that made this book so wonderful to read. It also looks at those unsung heroes behind the scenes that keep everyone happy looking after the truckers and oil mine workers so well. The interesting facts how the Alaskan people have embraced new cultures. I learnt so much from reading this brilliant novel both educationally and spiritually. I would certainly recommend this book to you all to read as it made me feel like a better person having read this. The ending was so emotional I was truly in awe. So much praise goes to the author and publishing team on shedding light on this most dangerous of jobs and for bringing us this magnificent awe inspiring story to touch the hearts of all those who read it. Joy was a amazing and a very worth person for this most spectacular tribute. I can not wait to watch the film for this book .
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