Publication date UK format 1/11/22 book 258 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

She pretends to be a princess at children’s parties. But can she melt a real prince’s frosty heart? Get swept away by a Christmas story from Hallmark and bestselling author Teri Wilson— the queen of royal romance! “I’m Prince Nikolas of San Glacera. Oh, you’ve never heard of us? Well, you’re not the only one. Our country relies on winter tourism, but we’re attracting fewer and fewer visitors. I admit it’s a problem. I just don’t think the solution is an American who likes to play dress-up. You see, while I was away on a trip to honor our military, the palace talked my family into holding a contest. The winner gets to play a character in our annual Ice Village festivities and accompany our royal family to holiday events. And did they at least choose an accomplished actor? Hardly. This woman, Gracie Clark, runs a children’s party business and performs as—I kid you not—‘Princess Snowflake.’ Of course, I do respect the fact that she volunteers at children’s hospitals. I suppose to some, she might have a certain charm... But the whole cheap spectacle is beneath our dignity. I’m not going to shirk my duty to my kingdom. I’ll go to every event with her. At least, once Christmas is over, she’ll be gone…”
My Review
This was a brilliant story. It wasn't far from getting full marks. The only reason it didn't was it reminded me of another book that I read that was similar, and I had given that 5 stars. The storyline was very fairytale like. It was one of them cheesey romance books that you just love. There was so much Christmas in this book that it was bursting at the seems. I love stories like this one that just wrap you up and makes you feel all Christmasy. The characters were great, lots of different and conflicting personalities making for great drama. This book played like a movie in my mind while reading it. It stirred up so many emotions and happiness. I really recommend reading this book, especially if you had read and loved a royal Christmas fairy tale by Karen schaler as the stories are very similar. The book was well written with a fantastic pace to it. It feels like a Disney story for adults.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for creating such a wonderful story that I just had to read in one sitting. I will definitely be looking out for more books by this fantastic author.
Where you can buy this book
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B&N PB $15.99, EB $7.99
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Amazon UK K £6.48, AUDIBLE , PB £11.99
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