Publication date UK format 29/11/21 book 132 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

17 Year old Panuk lives in Pangnirtung with his parents and extended family. Panuk's parents have passed down many Inuit traditions to their children and have also taught them survival skills, including how to hunt and fish. Panuk's father takes tourists on hunting trips. But when he has to leave Pangnirtung to get a painful kidney stone removed, he cannot cancel an upcoming tour and asks Panuk to step in for him. The two men Panuk is to take on the trip are rude and disrespectful. They are prejudiced toward Inuit people and youth. As Panuk and the two men journey to their camping spot, the local RCMP officer calls Panuk and tells him a severe storm is headed their way. It's too late to return back to town, and Panuk and the two men must prepare their camping site before the storm hits. Will the 17 year old be able to deal with the two hunters and will they all survive this one arctic night?
My Review
This was a brilliant read and so very interesting. I loved learning about a different culture. this book did an excellent job at peaking my interest and making me feel like I had learnt something. It was a brilliant adventure survival story. It was a wonderful short story aimed teenagers aged 12 to 17 years but I definitely feel like adults will love an appreciate it too. It's great at describing what life is like in a cold and dangerous climate. It was very well wrote with lots of atmosphere and tension. I was certainly at the edge of my seat. In this page turning book. I loved the characters and thought the author did an excellent job at creating tourist characters who are demanding and lack to understand the dangers of the climate. I just love characters that you love to hate. I really can't recommend this book enough it's exciting and thrilling. I just couldn't put it down and had to binge read it. I would love to read more books by this fantastic author.
Only the highest of praise goes out to the author and publishing team for creating a fantastic believable story that is great for ages 12 plus.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $6.99
Waterstones PB £12.99
Google Books EB £5.99
B&N PB $14.99, HC $14.99
Amazon UK K £5.27, HC £21.95 PB £16.03
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