Publication date 15/5/22 book 303 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

A European bestseller, un-put-down-able since 1946, now for the first time in English. An elderly Zoroastrian priest and his teenage apprentice, a dark plot to foment a civil war. Can the two thwart it? 570 BC. The Old Mountain Lion, the predatory king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, has destroyed empires, razed cities, driven whole nations into slavery. Now, he sews discord in the Mediterranean to soften up another victim for a surprise attack. It is up to the two unlikely heroes to try to foil the plot, persuade kings, priests, bureaucrats, and generals to change their course. They race against the clock across the Mediterranean, pursued by spies, assassins, and eventually the whole state apparatus of eternal Egypt. A classic tale of high adventure, full of white-knuckle twists and turns, cliffhangers and last-minute escapes, engaging characters, and sparkling humor. Continuously in print across Eastern Europe since 1946, it has been compared to The Treasure Island and The Three Musketeers. Come, find out what the world has been reading for 70 years!
My Review
This was a fantastic story that I thoroughly enjoyed reading. I just love books like this one that tell a wonderful story from history. Whether it's true or not is irrelivant it feels true and that's what counts. The characters were great and I easily became engrossed in the story. I was emotionally invested in their story and found myself willing them on. This book was brilliantly translated into English keeping it sense of atmosphere. Which is sometimes lost. I couldn't even tell it was a translation showing pinch's talent. The story-line was exciting and thrilling that made me read it all in one sitting. I loved how the Story covered the civil War in Greece. It was extra exciting where they were taking and unexpected events happened. I loved how wise the priest was. It was certainly a very gripping story that will take you on a fantastic journey through Greece. The story contained plenty of culture making you feel like your learning history at the same time. This book is fantastic for all the family. I definitely recommend reading this book if you love historical stories set around Greece.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishing team for bringing us such a fantastic story.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $7.55, AUDIBLE,HC $24.99, PB $15.99
Waterstones PB £15.49
B&N PB $17.99, HC $24.99
Kobo AUDIO £15.99 EBOOK £6.60
Amazon UK K £6.95, AUDIBLE, PB £12.99
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