Published 22/8/19 Book 96 Pages

month-by-month guide to the ever changing night sky. It will help star watchers to see all the year's most fascinating events, whether observing with the naked eye or with a large telescope.
My Review
I read this book although it was out of date just to see if books like this one are good for absolute beginners like me I understand the science but can't grasp finding them in the sky. I found the facts in this book simple to understand. It contains a monthly calendar giving exact dates and times for on what to look out for which is brilliant and I helpful section at the end simply explaining the costs and which telescope are good for each price range. The maps were great but I know the names for constellations like big dipper etc but the book ones where called by other names I would of loved to see all names wrote to help me get better orientated. I love pictures I hope for a lot more but for a short book the ones that was there were brilliant. I also live in a very light polluted city and there was a great feature on light pollution but I would of liked to see how bad light pollution can affect major star system if at all. Maybe I don't enough or its tailored for an intermediate level . I learnt an awful lot from this book and really enjoyed reading it. Because there will be 2 further editions out now it might have been improved beyond all recognition. I think these guides are a very useful resource and can save you a lot of time rather than lots of research. Many thanks to the authors and publishing team for creating this very useful book.
Where you can buy this book
As this book is an older issue I wont provide places to buy this book.
However this book is available in the 2022 edition from all the booksellers I usually mention. It is currently under a black Friday deal on amazon and would make a brilliant Christmas gift.
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