Publication date UK format 16/2/23 BOOK 328 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

Don’t dream your life, live your dreams…. Phoebe Dashwood is a passionately committed vet who’s living the dream. She’s about to open her own small animal practice at her grandmother’s animal shelter, Puddleduck Farm in the New Forest. Phoebe is helped by her two oldest friends. Her best friend Tori is a mix of hard-headed journalist and hopeless romantic, who thinks love will conquer all when she finds the right man! Then there is Sam, Phoebe’s staunchest ally, whose integrity and selflessness mean he would do anything to make Phoebe happy, no matter what the cost to himself. Very soon Phoebe discovers that fantasy and reality don’t quite match. An unscrupulous bunny breeder, a poisoned stream, and a complicated attraction all conspire to throw her dreams in a spin. Events come to a shocking climax at the New Forest Show where Phoebe’s world is turned upside down and she has to make some life changing decisions.
My Review
This was an excellent story that was close to getting full marks. I just loved all the animals. Especially all the horses and showjumping action in this story. This led to a very exciting book. It was certainly very difficult to put this book down. I had to read it all in one sitting it was that good. It's a fantastic page-turning novel. The characters were great and really easy to love or hate at times. I love that this book contained so great controversy. I highly recommend this book if you love vet stories. This book was a great addition to a fantastic and extremely lovable series.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for creating such a fun and exciting story that certainly kept me entertained. I can't wait to read the next book in the series.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K UNLIMITED OR $3.99, PB $17.99
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B&N HC $32.99, PB $17.99, EB $2.99
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Amazon UK K UNLIMITED OR £1.39, AUDIBLE, HC £22.99, PB £12.99
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