Publication date UK format 14/9/21 book 224 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

Illustrated with more than 200 spectacular color photographs supported by expert captions, Rivers is a fascinating journey from the mountains to the sea.
Being essential to the survival of civilizations, rivers run through mythology—think of ancient Egypt—and religion—think of the Ganges and Hinduism. And they continue to inspire writers and artists—think of Mark Twain's Mississippi and John Steinbeck's Salinas. From the Ganges rising in the Himalayas to the Nile Delta, from the Amazon rainforest to the Bow River flowing out of the Rocky Mountains, from the Rhine to the Rhone, Yangtze to the Mekong, Danube to the Volga to the Ebro, Rivers explores the grandest and most interesting rivers around the world. Arranged by continent, the book reveals the fascinating stories of how rivers have supported and shaped civilizations, the significance that rivers have gained in religion and myth, the battles that have been fought over them, the borders that they have marked, and how rivers have altered their courses, thus changing lives and livelihoods.
My Review
This was a fantastic book packed full of beautiful photographs of the world's greatest and most wonderful rivers. Each picture has a sentence or 2 describing them. The pictures were amazing and brought out some wonderful emotions within me. You could literally spend hours staring at them wishing you were there. I definitely recommend reading this book if you love to travel the world from the comfort of your home. I just love these types of books as they are a brilliant distraction from our everyday life. Each chapter looks at a different area of the world. With a descriptive paragraph leading us into the pictures. The only thing I would change about this book is I would of loved more accompanying text as I just love learning.
So much praise goes out to the author, photographers and publishers for creating such a wonderful collection of photographs so I could travel the world in one book.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US HC $29.95
Waterstones HC $19.99
B&N HC $29.95
Amazon UK HC £16.08
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