Publication date UK format 14/7/22 book 224 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

Roman Myths is engaging and informative, offering an introduction to Roman mythology, its roots, and its ongoing importance. In ancient Rome (753 BC – 476 AD) mythology was integral to various aspects of society, from religion to politics to the founding of the city. Today, we may encounter the legacy of these stories before we encounter the stories themselves, whether this is in day-to-day speech, the eighteenth-century art on display at the Louvre, or the works of William Shakespeare. The Roman tendency to accept their mythology as part of history creates a degree of uncertainty around the historical basis of the figures featured in these legendary tales. Roman Myths examines this mythology, from Romulus and Remus and the founding of Rome to Lucretia and the Republic; from Livy and the Dii Consentes to Virgil's Aeneid; from Dis Pater in the underworld to Jupiter, god of the sky.
My Review
This was a very good book packed full of brilliant and interesting information and facts. I learnt so much from reading it that it made me so happy. I just loved all the pictures that accompanied the text. With some fantastic artwork that really brought that extra dimension to the book. What I found very interesting was that alot of roman and Greek mythology is the same so who robbed it of who. Knowing the Romans a little im sure they just borrowed it lol. I found the section on God's brilliant as I knew Romans followed a lot but having that extra information was just great as they were explaining backed pictures so well. I really do recommend this book if you are interested in learning more about Roman mythology. I found it funny how I already knew of some stories and hadn't associated them with the Romans.
It was a perfect blend of facts to pictures to make for a very good read.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for creating this very informative and interesting book. That will look great on anyone's coffee table or bookcase.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US HC $29.51
Waterstones HC £19.99
B&N HC $29.99
Amazon UK HC £18.39
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