Publication date UK format 23/8/22 book 400 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

One hundred years ago. On the foggy Hudson River, a riverboat captain rescues an injured mermaid from the waters of the busiest port in the United States. A wildly popular—and notoriously reclusive—author makes a public debut. A French nobleman seeks a remedy for a curse. As three lives twine together and race to an unexpected collision, the mystery of the Mermaid of the Hudson deepens. A mysterious and beguiling love story with elements of Poe, Twain, Hemingway, and Greek mythology, drawn in moody black-and-white charcoal, Sailor Twain is a study in romance, atmosphere, and suspense.
My Review
This was a brilliant graphic novel. It was produced entirely in black and white but the pictures were amazing and so detailed. I just loved every second of it and I had to read it all in one sitting it was that good. Yep it's was a fantastic page turning story. This book was produced for adults as there was pictures younger eyes really shouldn't see. It was so much fun to read the quality of the pictures really brought out a fantastic sense of atmosphere and tension. I really loved that between chapters there were detailed maps of the course of the Hudson River. I loved seeing the pictures of the historic paddle steam boats. It really was a great portray of the time period. At the end of the book there was a brilliant section showing pictures of how the author prepared for writing this book. He really made some brilliant models and the whole process amazed me and I was in awe of the authors talents. I really can't recommend this graphic novel enough. I just know if you like historical graphic novels and classic story's you are going to love this exciting story line.
Only the highest of praise goes out to the author and publishers for creating such a wonderful novel that you will become so lost in the outside world will no longer exist. I will definitely be looking out for more books by this amazing author.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $6.56 HC $34.99, PB $15.99
Waterstones HC £27.99
Google Books ebook £5.67
B&N HC $34.99 PB $22.99
Amazon UK K £5.99 HC £27.99
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