Publication date 27/9/22 book 350 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

Read him." -- George Elliott Clarke, author of I & I and George and Rue An award-winning author goes looking for the meaning of family and belonging on a glorious wild-goose-chase road trip across middle America Wangersky's great-great-grandfather crossed the continent in search of gold in 1849. William Castle Dodge was his name, and he was 22 years old. He wrote a diary of that eventful journey that comes into the author's hands 160 years later. And typically, quixotically, Wangersky decides to follow Dodge's westward trail across the great bulging middle of America, not in search of gold but something even less likely: that elusive thing called family. What ensues becomes this story, by turns hilarious and profound, about a very long trip -- by car, in Wangersky's case, and on mule and foot in Dodge's. Interweaving his experiences on the road with Dodge's diary, the author contemplates the human need to hunt for roots and meaning as he -- and Dodge -- encounter immigrants who risk everything to be somewhere else, while only glimpsing those who are there already and who want to hold onto their claim in the stream of human migration. Same Ground is a story about what time washes away and what persists -- and what we might find, unexpectedly, if we go looking. My Review This was a great read. I like the way that on finding a family diary the author follows in the foot steps from Canada to find the gold rush area in the diary. It was a very interesting read that I really enjoyed. I liked the way the book was dual timeline. Alternating between the diary travel entry and the authors own travels. The diary entries were rather shocking as I didn't realise how many mules actually died on the journey. I actually rated this book 3.5 stars rounded up as it was better than an average rating. It was wrote well and flowed nicely. There was lots of description. It just didn't grab my full attention and I was losing interest. I really enjoyed the diary entries but the authors travels wasn't that exciting. There were a few great moments though. And I recommend reading this if you love diary's of old timer gold rush travels. It was fun learning about how hard life was like on the trail. I couldn't believe how many hardships they had to go through. Especially just how many people didn't make it or even find gold or enough to bring home to support their family. Many thanks to the author and publishers for bringing this enjoyable book to life.
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