Publication date UK format 3/2/22 book 168 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. All my reviews are honest.

Simply Psychology is the perfect introduction to the subject with non-specialist insights making it an essential guide with everything you need to understand the foundations quickly and easily.
My Review
This was a fantastic read. The layout was just amazing. It was packed full of interesting diagrams and plenty of colour to improve the reading experience. If you have always been interested in psychology then this book is for you. It is a fantastic introduction into the subject. It was easy to read and understand. Each section of information was backed up with fascinating case studies. It was just so interesting I learnt so much from reading it. What I loved the most was the section on child development. I could of done with this book 10 years ago as it was so useful. As I am on the autistic spectrum I found it a useful resource. As it went through all the mental and brain affected health conditions. It really had everything you would ever need to understand the mind. I loved looking at one of them splodge pictures psychologist show. What do you see? I saw something completely different it was a bat lol. It was also so much fun to read and try and use the information to learn more about yourself. I just can't recommend this book enough. This book is aimed at adults but I think this would be a very useful resource for ages 16 plus who are interested in studying psychology at college.
Only the highest of praise goes out to the authors and publishing team for creating such a insightful book that I just couldn't put down.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $7.99 HC $10.59
Waterstones HC £9.99
Google Books ebook £3.99
B&N HC $16.99
Kobo ebook £3.99
Amazon UK K £3.99 HC £8.35
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