Publication date UK format 4/10/22 book 268 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

Winter has arrived in Primrose Woods bringing with it new loves, new adventures and warm hugs on cold days. Abbey Carter, her boyfriend Sam and their trusty canine companion Lady, relish living in the picturesque village of Wishwell at the edge of their beloved Primrose Woods. The woods and the country park are full of activity as the festive season approaches. Lizzie Baker is flat out at the Treetops café, serving all sorts of winter warmers, festive goodies and lashings of hot chocolate. And when her daughter and grandchildren arrive to stay, the run up to Christmas is set to be even more magical than she had expected. Rhianna West has finally found the perfect man to fall in love with – if only Luke wasn’t moving away in the New Year. As the snow falls on Primrose Woods, and the village of Wishwell sparkles with Christmas lights, could this be the year that every wish comes true for the three friends?
My Review
This is a very good bookfull of wonderful loveable characters. I was slightly worried coming into this book as I didn't full connect with the first book in this series. But I really loved this book. It was well wrote and I actually read this book in one sitting. It's a very heartwarming story line with plenty friend introduced and a great sense of atmosphere was created. This book really made me smile while reading it. Which was just what I needed. This book is the perfect fit if you like your winter reads with a hint of Christmas. I really connected with the characters and they felt realistic and easy to love. Except Sam of course you can enjoy hating him lol. It had a great medium pace that fitted the story so well. The book flowed so well with a few unexpected twists that made it a brilliant page turning novel. This has definitely got me in the mood for Christmas.
Many thanks to the author and publishers for creating this wonderful second in the series book to enjoy in the run up to Christmas.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K UNLIMITED OR $2.99, AUDIBLE, PB $16.99
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B&N PB $17.99, EB £2.99
Amazon UK K UNLIMITED OR £1.99, AUDIBLE, PB £12.92
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