Publication date UK format 30/8/22 book 224 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

Starry Night is a fascinating, fully illustrated account of Van Gogh's time at the asylum in Saint-Remy, during which he created some of his most iconic pieces of art. Despite the challenges of ill health and asylum life, Van Gogh continued to produce a series of masterpieces – cypresses, wheatfields, olive groves and sunsets during his time there. This fascinating and insightful work from Van Gogh specialist Martin Bailey examines his time there, from the struggles that sent him to the asylum, to the brilliant creative inspiration that he found during his time here. He wrote very little about the asylum in letters to his brother Theo, so this book sets out to give an impression of daily life behind the walls of the asylum of Saint-Paul-de-Mausole and looks at Van Gogh through fresh eyes, with newly discovered material. An essential insight into the mind of a flawed genius, Starry Night is indispensable for those who wish to understand the life of one of the most talented and brilliant artists to have put paintbrush to canvas.
My Review
This was a great read that I really enjoyed reading. I loved the amount of pictures in this book showing the development of Van Gogh's work during this short period of his life. This included the very famous piece starry night. The author wrote a very fascinating section on what happened to his pen version of this amazing picture during the second World War. It was amazing to see the painter did 2 copies of most paintings especially when he ran out of canvas it was fantastic comparing the differences between the two. This book missed out on the 5th star as there was some repetition of words that started to grate on me causing it to feel slightly disjointed at times but I am still so very glad to have read this book. It is obvious that the author knows lots about this painter and the book was obviously well researched. I had also read the other book by this author dealing with the lead up to his stay in the asylum and his death after his stay there which I definitely suggest to give a read. If you love Van Gogh's art work I definitely recommend you read this book.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for bringing us this very interesting book that I struggled to put down. I definitely read it all in one day. I will be looking out for more books by this great author.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US HC $49.06 PB $26.00
Waterstones PB £19.99
B&N PB $26.00
Amazon UK HC £26.20 PB £18.79
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