Publication date UK format 28/2/23 book 368 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

Wyoming Game Warden Joe Pickett investigates a mysterious death at a secret remote high-tech facility in this riveting new novel from #1 New York Times bestseller C.J. Box. When a prominent University of Wyoming professor goes missing, authorities are stumped. That is, until Joe Pickett makes two surprising discoveries while hunting down a wounded elk on his district as an epic spring storm descends upon him. First, Joe finds the professor's vehicle parked on a remote mountainside. Then he finds the professor's frozen and mutilated body. When he attempts to learn more, his investigation is obstructed by Federal agents, extreme environmentalists, and Governor Colter Allen. Meanwhile, Joe's associate Nate Romanowski is rebuilding his falconry company, financing this through crypto mining. Nate is then approached by a shadowy group of local militant activists who are gaining in power and influence, and demanding that Wyoming join other western states and secede from the union – by force, if necessary. They ask Nate to throw in his lot with them, but he's wary. Should he trust them, or is he being set up? As a storm of peril gathers around them, Joe and Nate confront it in different ways – and maybe, for the first time, on opposite sides.
My Review
This was a great story that I really enjoyed reading. From the start, the story drew me in. I just love how the author created a great sense of atmosphere. It contains some great edge-of-your-seat moments. This is only the second book I have read by this author but it certainly won't be my last. I can't wait to read more. The characters were great and realistic. They were interesting and well-developed. Its storyline was intriguing. I loved the way the author includes nature and the surrounding environment in this story. It was fun reading about a park ranger trying to solve a mysterious death. It certainly kept my attention throughout. I certainly recommend reading this book. Although part of a series it works great as a standalone novel.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for creating this wonderful story. I can't wait to read more from this author.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $14.99, AUDIBLE, HC $19.49
Waterstones hc £20.00
Google Books EB £5.03
Kobo EB £5.99, AUDIO £14.99
Amazon UK K £5.03, AUDIBLE, HC £20.00
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