Publication Date UK format 1/2/22, Book 106 Pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to read this book for review. I am always honest with my reviews. I am also sorry this review is rather late due to my current health.

Quick skills grounded in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help you find lasting relief from the painful thoughts that drive anxiety, depression, and more. In today’s increasingly uncertain world, it’s natural to feel anxious, scared, sad, lonely, angry, worried, or hopeless. Everybody experiences intense emotions sometimes. It’s normal. But when the pain becomes too strong and too enduring, it’s time for a change. CBT is widely regarded as the gold standard in psychotherapy for treating anxiety and depression. Based on the self-help classic, Thoughts and Feelings, this take-anywhere guide offers distilled CBT skills you can use anytime to challenge the negative thinking that leads to anxiety and depression, balance your emotions, and start engaging in activities that make you feel good about yourself. Most importantly, you’ll learn how your thoughts affect your mood, and how changing your thoughts can actually change your life! This super simple guide presents the most effective therapy for managing anxiety and depression in an easy-to-read format that therapists can refer to clients, and readers can refer to again and again.
My Review
3.5 stars rounded up This is a very good and useful book to have at hand. I have tried CBT before and it wasn't very successful for me. This book made it easier for me to understand. At the start I struggled a little to grasp it but by chapter 2 I was on a roll. I loved the way it is set out and found the examples extremely useful. You could definitely tell this book was wrote by someone with great experience. Personally I would of loved to see pictures of the printable resources this book contains. I am more of a visual person and often get stressed typing in web addresses. I have even recommended some of these examples to help out a friend. Many thanks to the author and publishers for creating this very useful guide to help people alleviate the horrid symptoms of depression.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US Kindle $9.34 Available on Audible Paperback $14.85
Waterstones Paperback £12.99
Google Books Ebook £10.09
B&N Paperback $16.95
Kobo ebook £7.09 Audiobook £11.50
Amazon UK Kindle £7.09 Available on Audible Paperback £12.99
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