Publication date 18/11/21 Book 128 Pages

This book combines moving accounts of the lived experience of dyslexic adults with tips and strategies for surmounting the challenges you or a loved one or family member may face. Drawing on in-depth interviews, Kelli Sandman-Hurley explores common themes such as school experiences; the impact of dyslexia on mental wellbeing; literacy skills; and being a dyslexic parent, perhaps to a child who is also dyslexic. Interviewees share what helped them (or didn't), the strategies they use daily to tackle literacy-based tasks, anxiety and low self-esteem, the advice they would give to the parent of a dyslexic child who is struggling, and reflect on how their experience has impacted their own parenting style. Whether you're dyslexic yourself or supporting someone who is, this book sheds light on an underrepresented topic, providing much-needed guidance and insight around what life is really like for an adult with dyslexia.
My Review
This is a fantastic book. Having found out in my early 20's that I was dyslexic I couldn't wait to read this book and I wasn't disappointed as I found so many others had shared the same feeling I had. It was great knowing I wasn't the only one holding resentment for my old schools. This book explains through a case study of dyslexic adults and their own life issues and their resentment of the education system. This book is written using American statistics but are easily transferable for people from any country as its the same not matter which country you come from its a very useful resource to have or read. I really do believe any person who has dyslexia, knows or is any form of a teacher should read this book for better understanding. I know it just looks at the adult side of dyslexia but this is what the children of today who will be facing this tomorrow without better understanding or help to prevent this from happening. We need to take away the stigma of dyslexia. It is books like this one that people need to read to understand the impacts of ignorance of dyslexia. And help reduce this impact for everyone. I really do recommend reading this book as it is brilliant and such a brilliant resource. So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for bringing this amazing research to light. Helping many other understand the struggles of everyday life and the impact it has had on generations of people.
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Amazon US Kindle $13.29 Paperback $15.89
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Kobo Ebook £10.79
Amazon UK Kindle £10.04 Paperback £13.19
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