Publication date UK format 12/4/22 book 336 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

This fascinating and insightful book tells the thrilling story of the SS Canberra, the luxury passenger liner which was requesitioned as a troop transport in the Falkands War. Vast and brilliant white, P&O's flagship the SS Canberra was a final salute to a bygone era of opulence even as she embarked on her maiden voyage, For a decade she carried passengers between Britain and Australia, a 90-day voyage of pampering and decadence. But in March 1982, Britain went to war to defend the Falkland Islands and the SS Canberra found herself, surreally, requisitioned as a troop ship to carry the Marines and Paratroops into battle. Against all odds she surived, playing a vital role as a hospital ship, and at the end of the war she arrived back in Southampton to a hero's welcome, where she became fondly known as the Great White Whale. This is the extraordinary and, as yet, untold story of how the crew of a luxury ocean liner — waiters, cooks, nurses and cleaners — found themselves suddenly thrust onto the front line. A Very Strange Way to Go to War is a candid and captivating story, drawing from first hand accounts and previously unpublished archives, of the heroic courage of ordinary British men and women in the face of great adversity, at the outpost of empire.
My Review
This was an excellent book. I loved reading it so much. I just couldn't put it down. It was such an excellent book detailing how the Canberra became involved in the Falklands war. Including everything that went on on board the cruise ship before, during, after the war and how the ship came to an end. It was just so fascinating and I learnt so much from reading it. I just loved how the book flowed seamlessly from chapter to chapter giving me a complete and thrilling account of life on board. I really can't recommend this book enough. It would be a fantastic read for all those who love military history. Also those who loved to learn what it was like on board a cruise ship during the Falklands war . I will definitely be looking out for more books by this wonderful author. I just have to mention how I just loved the section at the end of the book full of pictures.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishers for creating such a marvellous book depicting the lives of all those wonderful people who served on the Canberra during the Falklands war. Im sure like me you won't be able to put this book down.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $7.16 HC $25.07 PB $15.99
Waterstones PB £9.99
Google Books ebook £7.99
B&N N £8.99 (IF YOU LOOK AT a vey strange way to go to war title) PB $16.00
Kobo ebook £5.79
Amazon UK K £5.79 HC £29.94 PB £9.29
All prices are subject to change at any time. Please remember to review all books you finish reading so others can find these amazing books. All reviews help just remember not to tell people what the book is about as everyone has already read the synopsis. Just include what you liked and felt when reading the book.