Publication date UK format 16/11/21 book 291 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review all my reviews are honest.

Most of us have everyday conversations with ease, yet we can get tripped up when the topic turns serious or emotional. We may fumble or freeze. We may fear saying the wrong words, making things worse, or getting stuck in an endless argument cycle. Fortunately, there are steps we can take to improve how we speak to others. In The Conversation Guide: How To Skillfully Communicate, Set Boundaries, and Be Understood, registered clinical counsellor and teacher J.L.Prevost teaches 10 skills for making all types of conversations less stressful, easier, and more effective. Grounded in gold-standard techniques from communication and psychology models, the 10 skills will give you the confidence and know-how to prepare for, start, and structure conversations. Through relatable anecdotes, common dialogue examples, and valuable tips, this guide offers practical solutions you can implement right away, without having to wade through pages of communication theory, The Conversation Guide will teach you skills to: - Stop avoiding confrontation - Set and enforce personal boundaries - Structure difficult conversations - Establish common goals - Support yourself post- talk Whether you are facing a difficult conversation with a boss, client, friend, romantic partner, or parent, this book can help you say what you need to say— and avoid misunderstandings— without compromising your boundaries or your relationships.
My Review
This was a brilliant guide. I found it so helpful. As it is helping us understand that our choice of words and the tone of voice is very important to not get peoples defences up or cause conflict or misunderstandings. This helpful guide explains how to deal with so many situations with different people. This include relationships, family, friends, work colleagues, children and teenagers. The author is certified and definitely know what they are talking about.
I am autistic and have always had issues with conversations so I found this book particularly useful. I especially loved the examples chapter. This book made me certainly think more about my choice of words and made me want to change my everyday life skills. This will definitely be a book you would go back to time and time again as a reminder.
I found the language used in this book very easy to understand and follow. The layout with a mix of text, lists and tables were brilliant.
I recommend this book to everyone who feels they need a helping hand to avoid any hurt or conflict and create harmonious relationships with those around them. I also think this book would be useful for those like me who are autistic to develop useful skills.
So much praise goes out to the author and publishing team for bringing together this fantastic and very useful book to help those who struggle with Conversational issues.
Where you can buy this book
Amazon US K $7.96, PB $16.90
Waterstones PB £12.62
B&N PB $16.90, N $7.99
Kobo ebook £5.99
Amazon UK K £6.71 PB £12.63
All prices are subject to change at any time. Please remember to review all books you finish reading so others can find these amazing books. All reviews help just remember not to tell people what the book is about as everyone has already read the synopsis. Just include what you liked and felt when reading the book.