Publication date UK format 14/10/22 book 272 pages
I would like to thank the author, publishers and Netgalley for allowing me to pick this to read and review. all my reviews are honest.

Ancient Mongolia is the stage for the latest epic adventure in the award-winning Assassin’s Creed® universe, as assassin Shao Jun fights a sinister plot that spells the downfall of the Brotherhood of the Assassins
China, 16th century CE – The Brotherhood of Assassins has been all but eradicated by the Chinese Emperor. Restoring the Brotherhood to its former glory is no easy feat, but it is Shao Jun’s duty, and her best chance of survival. When she learns that an old foe has acquired a powerful artifact with which he intends to lure any remaining Assassins to their deaths, Shao Jun hastens to Mongolia. There, political intrigue between Mongolian royalty, an exiled prince, and the lethal tensions between Mongolia and China draw her into their web. But when she discovers an even more sinister actor behind the intrigue who is creating monsters for a brutal takeover of the region, Shao Jun vows to do everything in her power to stop it.
My Review
This was an enjoyable story that was interesting to read. I read through first book in this series and loved it. This on for me fell rather short for me. It felt as if this book was more of a historical fiction book and lacked the excitement in the action scenes and there was less of them. I still enjoyed reading it and glad I had read it. I liked the characters and there development I just didn't connect with them the way I love doing. It was still very well wrote and flowed well. I still recommend it to assassin Creed fans you could always try a sample as my average rating could be your 5 star read.
Many thanks to the author for creating an enjoyable read. My only wish was that it was much more action packed. I still learnt so amazing culture that is always a plus for me.
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